Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Wake Forest Baseball Coach Steps Up To The Plate...And Knocks It Out Of The Park

Wake Forest baseball coach Tom Walter says it was a "no brainer" of a decision, but his decision to donate a kidney to one of his players was a selfless act that deserves hero's attention.

Sophomore outfielder Kevin Jordan needed a kidney transplant, and when none of his relatives were a match, Walter determined he was, and he knew what he needed to do. And one of the beautiful storylines is that he didn't do it to get back a great player -- there is no guarantee of a return to baseball -- he did it because he wanted Jordan to survive and function every day.

Kevin, we are all praying for a successful transplant and a healthy recovery. And let's hope Walter's act gets a great deal of attention. Not because we need to lift him up. But because we need to evaluate our lives to see if we are willing to do similar acts of selflessness.

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