Monday, May 05, 2008

Tebow's Most Impressive Spring Performance

Tim Tebow has won a Heisman Trophy and a National Championship. But this is even more impressive. Check out this article by Mark Schlabach on There are very few men Tebow's age who could be comfortable in a prison sharing the Gospel. Tebow's humility and grasp on God's provision are impressive, as evidenced by this quote: "
Because of my name recognition and because of who I am, I've been given an
opportunity to go places where most other people can't go," Tebow said. "I can
go into prisons and speak, and no one will say anything. I can go into schools
and speak, and they'll love to have me. I can go to all these different places
because of who I am as a football player. That's a platform the Lord has given
me, and I think it's my responsibility to take advantage of it."
It's refreshing to see secular, national publications give accurate accounts of one's spiritual life. Kudos to Mark Schlabach and

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